You can order online using a credit card, or you can mail in an order with a check or money order.
To order by credit card: Simply use the "buy now" buttons located next to each item listing. These will take you briefly to our secure order processor, PayPal. Enter your credit card and shipping info, complete the order, and then you'll be returned to WED so you can continue shopping. If you are not a member of PayPal, you can join for one-click convenience (the membership is free of charge).
To order by mail: Print out the order form from this site, fill it out, and send it to the address on the form with payment.
I generally ship USPS First Class mail. A standard S&H charge is automatically added: $3.00 for each single item and $4.00 for sets. If you order several items, contact me and I will discuss a price break in the form of a refund or credit.
Orders will be shipped as soon as possible, but please allow 4 to 6 weeks to be safe. If you need something rushed, e-mail me and let me know, and we'll work it out.
I want to make you happy. On all WED products, your satisfaction is unconditionally guaranteed for 90 days.
Three standard bracelet sizes are available:
Moreover, WED is proudly committed to accommodating any size. Every bracelet design is adaptable to a wide range of sizes - larger OR smaller - don't hesitate to write with your measurements. I can make an estimate of cost and time at that point, and I'll be happy to do it.
To find your wrist size: Measure your wrist, add approximately a half-inch for ease, and compare to the sizes. Choose the larger size if you like bracelets loose, or the smaller size if you like them to fit more snugly.
The standard length for WED necklaces is about 21" to 23"; all can be made longer or shorter by special request.
Bracelets Necklaces
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